
Committed to Discovering a Better Way

Charter Next Generation is steadfastly committed to engineering and innovating new solutions that serve our customers’ products, support our community’s aspirations, and protect our planet. Through consistent investment in new technologies and persistent innovation in materials science, we constantly seek a better way with the goal of creating a better tomorrow.

sustainability-First Mindset

Engineering Next-generation Material Science Into Sustainable Solutions

Market Solutions

The team at CNG prides itself on our commitment to our clients. We believe in listening to your needs and concerns and actively participating in their market research.

We understand that by listening, we can gain valuable insights into your industry, your market, and your needs. From there, we can actively collaborate toward engineering the perfect flexible packaging solutions for your product.

At CNG, our goal is to always stay at the forefront of innovation, and that’s why we strive to provide you with the most cutting-edge products and solutions that exceed your expectations and drive growth for your business. 

Actions Over Words

In today’s world, it is important for us to take responsibility for our actions and strive towards a better future for the generations to come. At CNG, we believe one way to accomplish this is by taking action and investing in and supporting organizations that are dedicated to reducing plastic waste across the globe.

We are proud of our relationships with sustainability leaders like MyPlas, the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, and the U.S. Plastic Pact, to name a few. By actively supporting such initiatives, we contribute to reducing plastic waste and play an active role in changing the life cycle of plastic packaging as a whole. 

Corporate Commitment

CNG’s dedication to sustainability and eco-friendliness is firmly ingrained within our company culture and begins right at the heart of our operations.

We have set science-based targets to achieve our ultimate goal of Zero Waste to Landfill across all CNG plants and manufacturing sites by 2025. By observing the best in sustainable practices, we can lead by example and inspire others to follow suit.

Through these efforts, we not only benefit the environment and the communities we serve but also have a positive impact on our bottom line. 

best-in-class market solutions

Solving Our Customers' Complex Challenges

At CNG, our top priority is providing our customers with exceptional product performance, and that’s precisely why we are committed to delivering a deep portfolio of highly engineered, sustainable film solutions that serve wide variety of end markets. Whether you’re involved in food and beverage packaging, medical packaging, or any other commercial market applications, we provide a range of customized, innovative packaging solutions to meet your specific requirements and preferences. We understand that the needs of our customers can differ in terms of size, capacity, functionality, and sustainability, and that’s precisely why we offer a wide range of specialized solutions suited to the exact needs of your products and market. 


Engineered to accelerate Business growth

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CNG's Best & Brightest

This Month's Spotlight: Parker Thompson

We are excited to shine the spotlight on one of our outstanding team members at CNG, none other than the amazing Parker Thompson! With her exceptional work ethic and dedication to excellence, Parker has become an invaluable asset to our organization. Her unwavering commitment to ensuring that our clients receive top-notch service has made her an indispensable member of our team. Parker’s passion for her job is evident in the way she approaches every task with enthusiasm and professionalism. Through her hard work, determination, and innate talent, Parker has made significant contributions to our company’s success. We are grateful for her dedication to CNG and thrilled to have her on board as a key member of our team. Thank you, Parker, for all that you do!